Balanced Transportation Analyzer
The Balanced Transportation Analyzer, or BTA, is an intricate and interactive spreadsheet model tying together nearly every facet of passenger transport in New York City including transit, auto, taxi and ride-hail (primarily Uber). The BTA lets one estimate the effects of changes in auto tolls, transit fares and other variables on traffic levels, travel speeds, time spent traveling, agency revenues, emissions and other vehicle "externalities." It contains a number of “pre-packaged” traffic-pricing scenarios which you may adjust to test your own what-if scenarios. The BTA thereby offers a transparent and straightforward tool for transport policy-makers and advocates to test the impacts of tolls and other policy traffic pricing proposals. In the run-up to the 2019 passage of congestion pricing legislation, a panel of experts selected by then-Gov. Cuomo gave tribute to these aspects of the BTA -- citing its transparency, flexibility, and the solid data that underlies it-- in relying on the tool as the basis for their FixNYC Report.
Listen to this Webinar about it.