Video Land bird eats ocean fish
Land bird eats ocean fish
Two Black-backed gulls feed on a small triangular cartilaginous fish.
We are not alone! Some of the 'wilder' denizens of NY waters include sharks and their close cousin, the skate. Here, the small triangular cartilaginous fish (also related to the ray) has been caught stranded at low tide. Two hungry Black-backed Gulls are dealing it the final blow. Gull species in NYC include also the Herring, Laughing and Ring-billed Gulls. They nest of many of NYC's smaller islands (Hoffman, North and South Brother, Canarsie Pol) and in salt marshes. They are a constant reminder of the deep connection between land and sea, a bridge by which the waters and continents of this world remain constantly stitched together by the energy flows and nutrient cycles inherent in the food webs of our planetary ecology.